Act now to stop horses suffering!

Add your voice and show EU decision makers that all horses deserve a good life.

With newly elected Members of the European Parliament in place, now is the time to ask them to speak up and use their influence to ensure laws are put in place to protect all horses, ponies and donkeys. 

We know that legally, horses are often forgotten and slip through the gaps meaning they are at high risk of neglect and maltreatment. Whilst some are lucky enough to live out their lives in good homes, others are not. Forced to live in terrible and filthy conditions, horses across the EU are suffering both mentally and physically.

They may be transported hundreds - if not thousands - of miles to slaughter.  Some are given new identities to hide their pasts, increasing their value and leading them to be sold for a purpose they are not fit for. All equines are vulnerable to this abuse, and we urgently need the European Union to act.   

Sign the petition

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